Green values are special values that refer to how to lead a quality and better life in line with nature, in an environment of a democratic society and non-violence. What are the new green values, and how have they come about and what do they represent?
Values in a society are a civilizational and cultural benefit, which can be defined as a positive attitude towards ideas of broader social interest, which, on the other hand, is expressed through readiness for achieving and maintaining those ideas.
In his lifetime, man is constantly establishing certain relations with the community and the environment in which he exists. What influences the manner of his behaviour is the most general belief – value – of what is good, desired, useful, that is, of what is not desired and inadmissible.
In a certain period, during the development of modern societies and civilizations, with human self-realization expressed through domination, exploitation and subjugation of nature, the first environmental crisis become evident.
By recognizing environmental problems and re-examination in some societies, in the 1960s, mainly due to the lack of opportunities for action through the institutions, numerous environmental movements initiated.
They, through the public, raise the issue of life (and not only human) and environment, raising environmental awareness at a higher level, by promoting and introducing new dimensions in social behaviour and creating public awareness, but also pressure on institutions, the private sector and other actors for improving their work in this area.
Environmental protests in Denver, 1970, source: Rocky Mountains News
For realization of a holistic (comprehensive) approach in the process of thinking and action, the need for establishing and promoting new, green values and strategies emerged:
- Respect for human dignity and human rights
- Freedom
- Democracy
- Equality
- Rule of Law
- Anti-discrimination
- Social and environmental justice
- Transformation of society for the benefit of all
- Economic, social and environmental welfare
- Fostering diversity of the natural world
Green values are special values that refer to how to lead a quality and better life in line with nature, in an environment of a democratic society and non-violence.
For realization of the desired quality life, citizens have an obligation and responsibility in terms of giving their own contribution, in the efforts against violation of rights, poverty, violence, corruption, pollution, abuses, discrimination, extremism, bad policies and practices, building and promoting democratic processes, but also right to free, fair and healthy society.
Citizens have civil rights, but also a moral and civic obligation to take part in the care for preserving the natural world and natural resources, to push for the state to orient itself towards renewable energy sources and creating legal frameworks for a green economy and healthy environment.
translation: N. Cvetkovska